iStock Research

A photograph by a photographer under the name of ‘DamianKuzdak’ on iStock shows a deer in the mist with the letterbox crop. The deer is almost a silhouette and is slightly centre of the image. I find this inspirational to my own wildlife images. They’ve done several other wildlife images however not always in the […]

iStock research

A photographer under the name of ‘FotoVoyager’ on iStock has many letterbox cropped images of landscapes and cityscapes The images are fully filled without overcrowding it and work well with the crop. His nature and reflection photographs are my favourite from this photographer’s portfolio. His images are likely successful for their beautiful scenery and appeal […]

W Bentley’s Ice Crystals

W Bently took macro photographs of snowflakes and is famous for being one of the first known photographers to capture snowflakes. He photographed his first snowflake in 1885, January 15th. He made a monograph illustrated with over 2,500 pictures of snowflakes called ‘Snow Flakes’; it was published shortly before his death which was caused by […]

Peter Beard. ‘End of the Game’ Series.

Peter beard put together a series of photos he took in Kenya, showing the twentieth century disasters in the area specifically due to hunting. He photographs many hunted animals whilst occasionally showing the live ones, creating a mixture of work. The photographs he does take of live animals look spectacular, using depth of field to […]

Joan Fontcuberta – Stranger than Fiction

Joan is a wildlife photographer whose series of photographs in their project ‘Stranger than fiction’ is a unique experiment, creating false photographs of wildlife and other nature aspects. Their short trailer for his film explains a great amount of detail for his aims and reasoning behind the project. “I’m interested in creating ambiguity; In […]

Deep Storage – Book by Ingrid Schaffner and Matthias Winzen

“Everybody collects something, sometime” This book shows a collection of artwork, at small or mass amounts and I felt it links to my project strongly. The book is a collection of essays on these collections with images amongst the text. The book documents collecting, storing and archiving as something artists tend to do. I felt this book […]

Gallivant – Andrew Kotting.

Andrew Kotting was a guest lecturer at our university, in which he spoke of his many works including one of his most known ‘Gallivant’. I was already under acknowledgement of this film, having seen part of it before. The film follows the travels with him, his daughter and her grandmother around the coast. His daughter has Joubert syndrome […]

Koyaanisqatsi by Godfrey Reggio.

Koyaanisqatsi is a 1982 film by Godfrey Reggio, containing no dialogue or plot other than images with photographic editing tecnhiques and beautifully captured content. He uses a mixture of sped up footage, slowed down, time lapse and video for this film, documenting nature and the world around us. The music always perfectly suits the scene its […]

Photobook research.

During an exhibition at the Kingsway Campus, University of Chester, I gained an insight to other photobooks for inspiration of my photbook aspect of the project ‘Forget Me Not’. One of the photobooks I looked into had a very personal-feel done to it. In the first photograph I took, it shows handwritten writing scanned into the […]