iStock Research

damian reddeer

A photograph by a photographer under the name of ‘DamianKuzdak’ on iStock shows a deer in the mist with the letterbox crop. The deer is almost a silhouette and is slightly centre of the image. I find this inspirational to my own wildlife images. They’ve done several other wildlife images however not always in the same crop. These were the keywords he used:


They are kept simple and mostly relative, covering all wildlife and animal words that are related. Some that I’d say aren’t as necessary would be ‘Tree’, ‘Leaf’, and ‘England’ perhaps, as none of them are seen or obvious to the content in the photograph.

Another deer image he took did use the same crop with a group of deers with the same lighting, using depth of field in the process.

Damian multipledeer

This is a brief overview of other photographs in his portfolio, consisting of multiple wildlife photographs.


He uses a good amount of depth of field in all of his wildlife images, blurring out the backgrounds entirely to get the focus directed entirely onto the animals. Within some of them, usage of bokeh is shown too, enhancing the images to be more engaging to view, showing beauty by mixing the animals with calming backgrounds.



I have applied to be a contributor uploading three images and it is pending approval. I had to take a short quiz, providing identification and three sample images.

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